

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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Facebook Fraud?

One of the main attributes of Babylon is the rather rampant fraud that is a basic part of its heart. The whole political system is based on campaign "contributions." I remember reading years ago that the reason that Microsoft had anti-trust problems was that it was not contributing enough to the powers that be. Other companies, almost as monopolistic as Microsoft, seem to get a pass. I am not sure if the lack of contributions was a factor, but Microsoft does make more contributions now and they no longer have the same issues.

The food industry in no exception to this. I wonder how many industry executives actually eat the products they sell? Do they feed them to their children? 

Advertising, while technically not fraud, is designed to build artificial demand for the product. I advertise my business, so I am not against it in an absolute way. It is the whole system that is bad. I had even considered advertising on Facebook to promote this blog. 

Ultimately my distaste for looking at ads myself decided for me. Why would I impose something I hate on someone else? After watching the following video, I have another reason to be glad I decided not to advertise. How much of Facebook's "click throughs" are actual people? 

Watch and see if you are interested. If I had Facebook stock, this video would make me sell it. 

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